Monday, January 30, 2017

Trump Muslim Ban

via The Intercept

According to the NYT more than 40 protests were organized across the USA, in response to Trump's ban on Muslims from seven different countries. Tens of thousands of Americans chanted and shouted their opposition to the Trump administration’s travel ban — and expressed their solidarity with refugees and Muslims.
Glenn Greenwald points out in his article in "The Intercept" on Trump's ban, that strangely enough the countries that have produced and supported the largest number of anti-U.S. terrorists — Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Qatar, UAE — are excluded from the ban list because the tyrannical regimes that run those countries are close U.S. allies. Go figure. The countries that have been included in the ban,  Syria, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Iran, Sudan, and Yemen have, according to the Cato Institue, produced virtually no terrorists who have committed terrorist acts on US soil from 1975 to 2015. So what is this really about? Europe is taking on the bulk of refugees being forced to flee countries that have been destabilized and bombed by among others, the USA. Now, the USA is not even offering these refugees asylum? I just don't get it.

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