Friday, May 26, 2017

This is Really a Mock Government

All the news is fake and actually all government that we know in the United States is also fake. Our so called President has gone and done what all Presidents are so afraid of doing and that is creating crisis and not solving problems but creating them, he has crossed the line and his White House is tearing apart the USA in such a way we might as well divide the country. Trump has interjected himself in every government short coming and has miserably failed at uniting the country, the divisions between people are enormous and his policies continue to separate the economic classes like never before. He continues to sign executive orders that go no further than the length of his desk. Immigration has failed and will probably end up in the Supreme Court, and if all retiring judges will outlast him they all will replaced, with a democratic majority, simply pass using the nuclear option and fifty one votes is a winner, McConnell was so pushing for Trump to have one win he has opened up the door to destroy the Republican platform for decades to come, thanks Mitch but I think your wife still would have passed confirmation and Schumer will be dancing all over the Senate in 2018.
   Unfortunately Trump was let loose in the Middle East and Europe and now we will struggle to patch up relations with the entire world. His school boy smile and elementary messages were seen as a brain possibly damaged by constantly bumping into the mirror ,have positioned the American people in a grip on his forever growing EGO, maybe now his ardent base of conservative evangelicals might see him for what he is an orange faced blonde seventy year old teenager with a constant need for attention. I understand the massive ego but why not try and gain some attention and respect by actually trying to make the American people great again, on the world stage with his mock government we will never be great again and that is his biggest failure. The art of the deal is now being completed with finger paint and crayons, we need adult leadership to help him get out of this terrible mess, we can't continue to clean up his play area and accept that he may never get it right. Mr. Trump needs to drain the swamp of his millionaire flunkies whose ideas are not right to move America forward, I agree NATO needs to pay up and we cannot police the world but let's help solve the world's problems as they relate to us and destroy terrorism, reign in North Korea and Syria, stop the senseless killings of refugees and then send out the invoices and expect payment due in thirty days. Tackle the problems that are most important to American citizens, all of them, safety, jobs, prosperity, good health care, solid retirements and maybe then we will stand behind you for the great things that successful presidents have actually done through out history.  Mr.Trump you don't need to unite the country like Lincoln, you don't need to create an economy like FDR and you don't need to stand in defiance of the USSR like Kennedy did, but it might be a great thing if you treated this country like your. Mother and tried to save all the National Parks and wild beautiful lands like Teddy tried to do, maybe then you could actually look in the mirror and not bump your forehead trying to kiss that circus clown but rather look with pride at a man who really was successful in his life, not a mock President after all, we will all be waiting for you to make the right decision..
Rant over South Jersey out.