Sunday, March 5, 2017

War Propaganda?

Here is a link, to what is in my opinion, a really intelligent article by Glenn Greenwald for "The Intercept" on Trump's use of a grieving woman, (standing next to Ivanka Trump, really?) during his speech before Congress. This woman's husband was killed in a commando raid in Jemen that Trump ordered. It was obviously intended to be a powerful moment during the televised speech where Trump is seen as showing great empathy for this poor young widow. Sustained applause. Some media commentators gushed about Trump's true presidential moment. Now, Trump isn't the first to use to this tactic of using suffering soldiers and their families, it seems to be quite popular among Presidents, Obama and George W. Bush also seemed to find it effective. Many civilians were also killed in this raid, including nine children, but the of course are not mentioned. This is also key to an effective form of war propaganda, politicians and media commentators fixate on the number of Americans being killed but the innocents (collateral damage?) remain for the most part nameless and faceless. How else can a war on terror  turn into a never ending war? (And who is fighting this war? The financially and socially disadvantaged, not the offspring of the elite and financially powerful.) Americans must continue to regard themselves as victims and not as perpetrators, the enemy has to be dehumanized, we cannot be privy to families of the fallen civilians grieving for their loved and lost.
But here is the real key to Trump's performance and c'mon, I am not saying he isn't sympathetic but the time and place to showing his sympathy is, as always, used to his advantage, and here I quote......
"The ritualistic tribute to dead or wounded U.S. soldiers has other purposes as well: It attempts — not using rational formulas but rather emotional impulses — to transfer the nobility of the slain soldier onto the war itself; after all, how unjust could a war be when such brave and admirable American soldiers are fighting in it?
And it is also intended that the soldier’s nobility will be transferred to his commander in chief who is so solemnly honoring him. As demonstrated by the skyrocketing post-9/11 approval ratings for George Bush and the endless political usage Obama obtained for killing Osama bin Laden, nothing makes us rally around a president like uplifting war sentiment."
Glenn Greenwald "The Intercept" 
Read the article and keep in mind that this how many Europeans see our war effort.

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